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White potato sourdough Recipe

White potato sourdough recipe
House and Garden

The addition of potato to your bread dough creates a moisture and texture that's hard to beat, as this recipe from The Dusty Knuckle proves


70g potatoes, washed
poppy seeds, to sprinkle
460g strong white bread flour
275g water
50g water, second addition
120g stiff starter
15g fine sea salt


Grate the potato on the coarse setting of a box grater, skin and all, and rinse under very hot water to remove the starch. Once rinsed, use your hands to squeeze out as much excess water as you can from the grated potato.
Add to the dough when you do your first fold after you have mixed it. This gives your dough time to gather some strength to hold the potato and create nice big air bubbles.
Follow the steps on page 26–33 and, once you have shaped your loaf and before you put it into the banneton, roll the top gently on a wet dish towel and then into a tray of poppy seeds. (You only need to do the top as any on the bottom will burn and turn quite bitter.) The water helps them to stick, but be quick here as you don’t want to handle the dough much at this stage; one swift roll will be fine.
Be bold with your bake on this loaf. The crust is sweet and caramelised when it is close to burning – very delicious!

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