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Sushi Rice Recipe

Sushi Rice recipe


2 cups sushi grade rice (it will make approximately 5 cups of cooked rice)
Palm sizekombu, dried seaweed, wipe excess dust with a damp towel
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/3 of fresh lemon (approximately 1 tsp)


In a rice cooker add rice; wet rice with enough cold water and drain. Rubbing rice with your hand and you will see water turns into white milky color. Rinse off milky water and drain. Repeat this process 4 to 5 times or until when you add water, it doesn’t cloudy or milky anymore. At last rinse, drain water as much as possible. Add water until when you place your palm lightly on top of rice, comes to your knuckle. (approximately 3 1/4 cup) If you have time, soak rice in water about 30 minutes. Cook in a rice cooker as regular mode. (Click HERE for how to cook rice on a stove.)
Meanwhile, let’s make sushi vinegar! In a small sauce pan, add kombu, rice vinegar, sugar and salt. Don’t stir. Over medium low heat, let it simmer for 5 minutes or until sugar has dissolved. Remove kombu and add lemon juice. Stir and let it cool.
In a wide mixing bowl, add rice and carefully pour all sushi vinegar. (The amount we made is perfect for 5 cups of cooked rice) Mix with a spatula a s a cutting action while fanning to cool rice.
Cover with damp towel so it won’t dry out. You can make any type of sushi with this sushi rice! Enjoy!

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