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Sourdough Carrot Bread Recipe

Sourdough Carrot Bread recipe

Carrot Bread, sourdough bread adapted from the traditional and classic Carrot Cake. Made with rye, semolina, wheat, tritordeum and carrot juice.


180 g 100% hydration starter refreshed with 80 g plain flour and 10 g rye flour
60 g rye flour
150 g semolina
200 g plain flour
100 g Tritordeum flour (a cereal obtained by crossing wheat and barley)
360 g freshly made carrot juice (recipe below)
30 g water
10 g salt
3,3 g cinnamon powder
0,5 g nutmeg
1,2 g ginger powder
12 g honey
45 g walnuts, peeled and lightly chopped
5 medium carrots
250 g water
juice from 1/2 lemon


In a glass mixer add the carrots, previously peeled and washed, in pieces.
Pour the water together with the juice of 1/2 lemon and blend until obtaining a completely liquid texture. Set aside.
We start from a well active sourdough, 100% hydrated with plain/AP flour and rye.
In a bowl incorporate the 4 types of flour, mix lightly with a silicone spatula.
Strain the carrot juice (to remove any bits that may have remained) and pour over the flours. Mix again until a homogeneous dough is obtained (we will obtain a somewhat compact texture).
Cover with a cotton cloth or plastic wrap and do autolysis for 30 minutes.
Add SD and integrate well by mixing in the bowl itself and using a flexible scraper. Incorporate the honey and mix to integrate it completely.
Incorporate the spices and knead again to homogenize the dough.
Pour the 30 g of water, we will do it little by little and kneading at the same time.
It is important that you do not add all the water at once because each flour works in a way and not all of them have the same absorption capacity. In this way we will avoid that we have a dough with more hydration than we are looking for.
Transfer the doughs to a clean work surface and begin to knead. Make the French or Bertinet kneading.
Combine kneading with resting, in this way the dough will develop gluten without the need to work excessively.
Knead for 2-3 minutes and let it rest for 4-5 minutes. We will do this step once before adding the salt.
Add the salt by spreading it on the surface, integrate carefully so as not to lose it on the table and knead again. The dough will gradually take shape and "muscle". Continue alternating kneading with resting until our dough has a good gluten development.
Add chopped nuts. We will do it in two or three batches, very carefully so as not to damage the gluten mesh. Spread a few over the dough and make several very soft folds. Once they are more or less evenly distributed, we integrate the rest until we distribute them throughout the dough. Remember to carry out this step carefully so as not to damage and tear the dough.
Grease with olive oil a bowl or recipient and put the dough inside. Cover and make a bulk proof for 5 hours at room temperature. My home temperature was 66,2ºF (19ºC). Turn and fold after 30 minutes only 3 times.
Let it rest until it has grown 1/3 of its volume
Sprinkle the banneton with rye flour, set aside.
Bread can be stored for up 3-4 days cover with cotton cloth. If the beginning is dry, cut the first slice and inside will be still tender.

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