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Crispy Lasagna Egg Rolls Recipe

Crispy Lasagna Egg Rolls recipe
Best Recipe Box

These are great with so many different dips to serve with: marinara, ranch and bbq sauce are delish! Choose your favorite or have several for variety. You can use leftover lasagna or cook up a batch to use just for the egg rolls. Just make sure to let the lasagna cool to at least room temperature before rolling the egg rolls. Nutrition counts will vary depending on the lasagna you use.Makes about 15 egg rolls


3 cups cooked lasagna (, cooled)
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
15 egg roll wrappers
water (, for sealing the wrappers)
vegetable oil (, for frying)
1/2-1 cup dipping sauce of choice (, marinara, ranch, bbq sauce, etc.)


Cook & Portion Lasagna: Cook the lasagna and then let cool to at least room temperature or use leftover lasagna. Cut into small slices about 2 Tablespoons in volume.
Rolling: Using egg roll wrappers or spring roll wrappers, add the 2 Tablespoons piece of the lasagna filling to each wrapper. Add about 2 teaspoons of shredded cheese on top. Tuck and roll the wrapper around the filling (watch the video in the post above to see how to roll even and tight rolls). Brush the top corner of the wrapper with water to help seal the wrapper end, and then finish rolling the egg roll. Repeat for all the egg rolls.
Frying: Fill large frying pan with about 1/2-inch of vegetable oil and heat oil to about 350°F/175°C. Carefully add egg rolls to frying pan, without crowding the egg rolls in the pan (they will stick together if placed too close. Fry the egg rolls in batches if needed). Fry each side of the egg rolls for about 2-3 minutes or until crisp and golden brown (try to keep the oil temperature at about 350°F/175°C). Remove and blot on paper towel to remove excess oil.
Allow to cool a little (the filling will be super hot right after frying), and then serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

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