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Crepe Stuffed New York Cheesecake Recipe

Crepe Stuffed New York Cheesecake recipe
Sweet and Savory Meals

Crepe Stuffed New York Cheesecake is an incredible combo of buttery, ricotta chocolate chip stuffed crepes, and baked into a NY cheesecake.


1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk
4 large eggs
3 tablespoons unsalted butter (melted)
1 teaspoons vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean (halved and seeds removed)
butter - to coat the pan between making each crepe
1 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2 packages cream cheese (8oz. package size)
3/4 cup white sugar
1/3 cup whole milk
2 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoons vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean (halved and seeds removed)
baking spray
6 ounces dark chocolate (chopped)
1 lb. fresh raspberries
powdered sugar


Place eggs, milk and melted butter in a blender and mix on low - medium speed. If you don't have a blender just whisk by hand until well combined. Add sugar, salt, vanilla bean seeds and flour - one cup at a time and mix in the blender/or whisk until well combined. Let the batter sit at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.
Place a 12-inch non-stick pan very low-medium heat and when hot add a little butter to coat it (less than half of a tablespoon).
Pour 1/3 cup of crepe batter into the center of the pan and swirl to spread evenly. Cook for roughly 1 minute or until the edges of the crepe appear to loosen from the pan.
Using a rubber spatula, loosed the crepe edges from the pan, now using your fingertips, quickly flip the crepe and cook for another 1 minute, until slightly golden brown.
Remove crepe and stack on a plate. Continue with the remaining batter and stack crepes on the plate. Coat the pan with butter as needed.
When done cooking, and the crepes have cooled to room temperature, cover them with a kitchen towel to avoid the edges from drying out.
In a medium bowl, using a fork, mix ricotta cheese with the egg and sugar, when combined stir in the flour, after fully incorporated add the chocolate chips. Set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with the wire attachment, mix cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Add the milk, and then mix in the eggs one at a time, mixing just enough to incorporate. Stop and scrape the bowl sides and the bottom of the bowl, using a rubber spatula. Mix in sour cream, vanilla bean seeds and flour until smooth.
Preheat oven to 350F.
Spray an 8 inch springform pan with baking spray.
Place 2 crepes on the bottom of the bowl and 3 on the sides, to create a crepe crust.
Pour half of the New York cheesecake filling into prepared crepe crust.
Place a crepe on a working table, place 1/4 of the ricotta chocolate chip mixture a few inches from the side that is facing you, and spread it over half of the crepe. Roll it gently into a tube and place it carefully into the pan on top of the cheesecake filling. Repeat with the remaining 3 crepes.
Top the crepes with the remaining New York Cheesecake filling.
Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Turn the oven off, and let cake cool in oven with the door closed for 4-5 hours, (make sure it doesn't burn) this prevents cracking. If the cake cracks, don't worry since we are covering it in chocolate so it won't be visible.
Once you remove the cake from the oven, the crepe edges that are over the pan will be slightly burned, trim them, and bring the crepe crust to the same level as the cake.
Keep the cake in the pan.
Bring a medium saucepan half filled with water to a boil. Place the chocolate in a medium bowl set over the saucepan of simmering water, let it melt, stir just a few times. Remove from heat and set aside. Pour the chocolate on top of the cheesecake, level the mixture with a spatula or spoon.
Top with fresh raspberries and refrigerate for at least 4 - 5 hours or better overnight.
Before serving, sift powdered sugar on top of the cake and remove from the springform pan.

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