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Potato bread (farls) with leeks and bacon Recipe

Potato bread (farls) with leeks and bacon recipe
Riverford Organic Farmers

This traditional potato bread can be served for breakfast with sausages, bacon and eggs, or with butter and jam, or like this with the leeks and bacon for a light supper. Add a poached egg if you want to make it more substantial, or if you are vegetarian.


500g potatoes, peeled and diced
50g butter, plus a little extra for frying
1 tsp salt
100g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
2 large leeks
8 bacon rashers; smoked streaky is good, but use whichever you prefer


In a large pan of salted boiling water, cook the potatoes until tender (about 10 minutes). Drain and mash; use a potato ricer if you have one, as you want the mash to be as smooth as possible.
Place the mash in a large bowl while still warm, stir in the butter and the salt. Once all the butter has melted and combined, add the plain flour and stir to combine. On a lightly floured work surface, gently roll the potato mixture to a circle the size of a large dinner plate (about 9 inches). Lightly dust the top with flour and cut into eight triangles.
In a frying pan, heat a little more butter and fry the leeks and bacon until cooked through. While the leeks are frying, dust the inside of a heavy based non-stick frying pan with just enough flour to coat.
Heat over a low to medium heat until the flour is just starting to colour, then add the potato triangles, frying each one for about 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden.
Cook them in batches and keep them somewhere warm if your pan is not large enough to hold them all. Serve with the leeks and bacon.

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