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Chuy's Idol Beef Tacos Recipe

Chuy's Idol Beef Tacos recipe

All of these amounts are approximate. Depends on how you personally like your tacos! 


2 1/2 C Crispy Mexican Shredded Beef
12 small corn tortillas
2 C medium cheddar cheese, shredded
1 1/2 C Chorizo Refried Beans
1/4 C masa
1/4 C water
vegetable oil, for frying


Fill a dutch oven or another high-sided pot about halfway up with oil. Let it heat over medium-high heat while you assemble the tacos. It might be helpful to clip a candy or oil thermometer to the side of the pan to help regulate the temperature (360°F is ideal).
In a small bowl whisk together the masa and water to make a paste and set that aside.
Warm your tortillas in the microwave for a few seconds, just until they’re soft and pliable. Fill them with a few tablespoons of the shredded beef, then use your finger or a small spoon to spread a small amount of the masa paste you made along the top edges of the tortilla, then fold it in half to make a taco and press the edges together to seal it shut. Spread the paste out and press as much of the taco together as you can – act like you’re trying to seal the upper lip completely, like you’re trying to make it into an empanada – but it’ll likely pop apart everywhere except the very top. That’s alright: as long as it holds there we should be fine.
Continue until all the tacos have been assembled. The oil should be ready to fry. If you didn’t use a thermometer you can add a small piece of tortilla to the oil to test it. It should sink, then float to the top and gently sizzle, without the bubbles being too vigorous. If it takes more than a couple of seconds to float to the top, let it continue heating up.
When the oil is ready, drop the tacos gently into the oil, as many as will fit in at once. Fry the tacos until the tortilla feels hardened and turns golden brown. Remove with tongs, tilting the taco from side to side to ensure the oil drains as well as you can. If you notice that a taco pops open during frying you’ll want to either hold it closed with your tongs or remove it from the oil: you don’t want bits of shredded meat floating in the oil and bits of it attaching themselves to the other tacos. I mean unless you do want that, you do you!
Drain the tacos on a wire rack over a baking sheet. Store the rack in a 200°F oven to keep warm as you fry the other tacos. Once all the tacos are fried, top each one of them with a heaping spoonful of hot Chorizo Refried Beans, and a large mound of shredded cheese. Dassit!

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